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Success Story: Time to heal


Sharing the story of a 75 year old female warrior who has battled breast cancer, a shoulder surgery, and stroke about a year back. 

Due to these obstacles, she had symptoms like pain and difficulty in using right shoulder, pain in hips while walking, imbalance during walking, difficulty getting in and out of her car - all of which led to a loss in confidence and will power.
After about 15 sessions of physiotherapy over 2 months which included coordination and balance exercises in standing - staggered stance, ball catches in normal stance, reach outs; hip mobility; side walking; lower body strengthening along with a home exercise protocol for hip mobility and shoulder strengthening exercises- with her effort and motivation from her family, she's now able to walk independently.

She is now able to get in and out of her car; able to use her shoulder more effectively. She's much more driven now and is working her way fast towards an amazing recovery.


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