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5 Tips to improve on work posture & work productivity


A silent danger lurking over the desks and worksites of India and it’s costing employers over 6 billion pound in lost productivity each year. The culprit? Work-related joint pains.

Studies show that more than 77% Indians are suffering from Occupational injuries. These injuries caused by poor posture and faulty ergonomic workspaces, can easily be avoided through training and providing appropriate equipment, but the responsibility falls on employers to take the lead and implement these vital harm-reduction initiatives.

This will not only protect the employees but companies can protect their business from lost productivity and potential work cover claims.

The posture:

Posture refers to the overall correct alignment of our body and goes deeper than just keeping your spine straight. It’s not hard to recognize bad posture in those around us. Slumped shoulders, a head that leans forward or backward, and perhaps even a protruding ‘potbelly’ are all giveaways that most of us can spot easily.

Though these symptoms may seem innocent enough, the complications of poor posture go far beyond the visual. Chronic back pain, joint degeneration and a dysfunctional spine can creep up on slouchers, diminishing their muscle strength and opening them up to a range of potential injuries.

Good posture on the other hand, should look natural and graceful. Start by gently pulling your shoulders back and down. The back should be kept straight, with the head up and chin tucked in. Keep the tummy lightly pressed toward the spine and balance your weight between both feet.



In 2014, the University of Sydney found that a third of all worldwide work-related disability was linked to lower back pain caused by the work environment.

It was recommended to improve on work ergonomics. The first place to start is, our desk setup which contributes significantly to how we position ourselves throughout the day and our chances of sustaining an injury.

In India more than 77% sedentary workers suffer from occupational injuries. Good quality, ergonomic chairs that support the spine are crucial to encourage good posture and preventing potential injuries, but there are other simple changes that can be implemented into the existing environment, such as:

·       Keeping the monitor at eye level or slightly below

·       Keeping a 90-120 degree bend in elbows

·       Sitting with the back up against the backrest

·       Keeping feet flat on the ground

Engaging the help of an ergonomic assessment specialist to assess your workplace and train employees in correct ergonomic techniques will ensure that your workplace is engaged in best-practice health and safety precautions

Standing desk

Sitting all day twists our spine into an unnatural position, as most of us sit with a curve in our back which is unnatural. Remaining hunched in this position over the course of a workday places strain on our neck and back muscles and leads to injury.

 Upgrading your office equipment to include standing desks gives employees the option to spend a portion of their day standing, meaning pressure is taken off the neck and back, encouraging movement and a neutral spine position. It also reduces strain on joints and improves work productivity.

To use a standing desk correctly, you should aim to adopt the 20:8:2 rule; 20 minutes of sitting, 8 minutes of standing and 2 minutes of movement. Try setting reminders on your phone for every 20 minutes to change your posture and move.

Conducting workplace training that helps transition employees from a sitting to standing environment will help ensure that uptake and correct techniques are followed.

 Spine position

How you hold your neck is imperative to the health of your spine and your chances of developing a workplace injury. Straining to see a computer monitor that is too close or far away, or juggling dual screens by twisting from the neck rather than using the movement of your swivel chair compromises good posture and can strain your neck, back and shoulder muscles and joints.

·       Raise your chair so that your eyes are level with the top of the screen

·       Increase the font size you use to reduce straining forward

·       If using a laptop, link to a larger monitor but only look between monitors by moving your swivel chair rather than straining your neck from side to side

·       If a laptop is the only option, consider getting a monitor raise and a separate keyboard if possible

·       Keep your frequently used tools such as headset or mouse close to you to avoid reaching



One of the most important and easiest ways to improve your posture at work and therefore decrease the chance of workplace injury is through movement. Implementing a movement program that requires employees to do stretches and take regular short walks, will not only help to reduce any existing pain but is proven in preventing future injury.

Why movement is so important
Prolonged sitting doesn’t just encourage slouching and the detrimental symptoms of poor posture. It is also known to cause a variety of health issues from heart disease to obesity. Increasing physically activity throughout the work day can lead to:

·       The prevention of heart disease

·       Assistance with weight management

·       Improved mood

·       Stronger bones, muscles and joints

Looking for a good workplace stretch you can try at your desk? Try these out

 Implement ergonomics training in the workplace

Protecting the business and employees through best practice ergonomic initiatives takes more than just focusing on good posture in the workplace. Setting yourself up for success begins with speaking to a Physiotherapist who can assess your workplace and recommend strategies to help reach health goals.

Don’t know how to get started? Contact Dr. Supriya from Cura Physiotherapy Clinic to learn more about how investing in best-practice ergonomics is an investment in the health and wellbeing of the business. You can reach out to her on



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