Sitting is new smoking! Many researchers have come to an conclusion, after various studies, that sitting for extended period of time leads to bad cardiovascular changes which are comparable to those with chronic smokers. Living a sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous to health. If you stand or move around during the day, chances of cardiovascular diseases are less than if you sit at a desk. Living sedentary lifestyle means you have higher chance of being overweight ,developing type 2 diabetes ,heart disease and even anxiety and depression. What are the side effects of sitting? · Muscles of the legs become weak and some of them also become tight. So the chances of injury and falls are more compared to active population. · Moving your muscles help you to digest food. But when you're sitting for longer times, digestive system slows down. This increases chances of b...
When you are in pain, normal activities become difficult, making life more stressful. With this physiotherapy blog, we help you to understand pathology of pains and give you best possible solutions to come over them.