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Avoid "Backaches" in road trips..

Avoid “Backache” in Road trips

So, you are planning for a great road trip coming weekend, don’t let your back pain come in your way..

Follow these simple steps to get you going.. Knowing how to sit in the car in a way that will avoid back pain is important to happy car travels. This will help to ensure that you don't miss out on a trip.

*         Take the time to make sure you are comfortable from the moment you set off on your trip. The smallest irritant in the beginning can turn into raging pain hours later.

*         Don't sit on your wallet or cell phone that may throw your spine out of whack.
*         Reduce reaching for the steering wheel, which places more stress on the lumbar spine, neck, shoulder and wrists. Instead, sit as close to the steering wheel as possible.
*         If your car seat provides little back support, roll up a towel or pillow and place it between your lower back and the seat for some more support. There are many specialized cushions and pillows available for purchase that can help.
*         Bring your seat forward some more if needed or you may have to push the seat back, depending on your leg length.  The base of your spine should be in contact with the seat. If driving, position yourself until your knees are slightly bent when you depress the pedals.
*         Press your shoulders firmly against the seat.
*         Arrange the headrests in the right place as a passenger. Headrests are not normally comfortable for many people. You just have to learn to let your head rest on it and pretty soon your neck will begin to relax.
*         Since staying still is bad for your back, don't just pick a position and stay in it. Adjust your seat and change your position slightly every 20-30 minutes.
*         Exercise is often a good treatment for lower back pain. While at each rest stop, try to do the following:
o               Get out of your car to stretch and work the hamstrings.
o               Walk around a bit to increase circulation and stretch out the back muscles.

Have a great time..


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