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Showing posts from May, 2018


As a physiotherapist, r ounded shoulders  is one of the  most  common postural problems that I see with my patients. Having  r ounded shoulders  is when the resting shoulder position has moved  forward  from it’s  ideal alignment.    Posture is an example of how a person's habits can affect their physical body. Conditions such as text neck and rounded shoulders are some of the most common ways poor posture begins. Any activity that causes the body to look down and forward for long periods of time can contribute to slumped shoulders. Daily tasks that may contribute to rounded shoulders include: using a smartphone or tablet or laptop sitting for long periods driving a vehicle bending over repeatedly carrying heavy objects all day The risks of rounded shoulders include the negative impact on health and appearance.  This can be very harmful for the body if left untreated.  Increased stress on the shoulder join...


4 EASY WAYS TO REDUCE EFFECTS OF SITTING We are at a crisis point. Our lifestyles have changed so much in the past few years that our bodies are not able to keep up with our economic evolution. We need to think seriously about chairs… Recent studies show that if you sit for 7 hours a day or more, you are twice as likely to develop   diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and are 13% more likely to develop cancer   which are similar to tobacco smoking.. These are the grim facts of sitting and we need to focus on developing strategies to reduce our sitting time to improve our health. So here are 4 easy steps to reduce effect of "New Smoking" 1. Get your steps up in your everyday life. Just the process of moving your muscles increases blood flow and gets endorphins flowing. We need to change the attitude about our workout from something that emotes image of lugging a gym bag at 6am to overall strong and fit lifestyle. Park the car one station earlier a...